The Neal Yerian Family welcomes you to our web site!
specializes in collectable, antique, vintage and used water pumping windmills, towers, accessories and vintage windmill parts.
We sell complete mills or individual pieces for most post WWI windmills including Aermotor, Baker, Challenge, Currie, Dempster,
Fairbanks-Morse, Fairbury, Flint & Walling, Heller-Aller, Samson-Stover, Woodmanse and others. Our library
of vintage windmill literature contains items related to all the common mills plus more rare and obscure windmills like
the Ace, Air King, Althouse-Wheeler, Axtell, Alston, Appleton-Goodhue, Beatty Pumper, Boss Vaneless, Brantford, Buchanan,
Butler, Champion, Clipper, Corcoran, Dandy, David Bradley, Decorah, Diamond, Double Power Mill, Duplex,
Eclipse, Elgin, Enterprise, Freeman, Freeport, Forest, Gem, Giant, Gold-Shapley & Muir, Horicon, Halladay, Ideal,
Imperial, IXL, Jewell, Kenwood, Kirkwood, Leader, Mast Foos, Manvel, Maud, Monitor, Mongomery Ward, New
May, OK Solid Wheel, Original Star, Ozark, Parish, Peerless, Perkins, Red Cross, Red Star, Rex,
Raymond, Southern Cross, Steel Eclipse, Stover, Tip Top, Toronto, Tucker, U.S. Wind Engine, Wallenbeck, Western, Wind
Engine 702, Whizz, Woodstock, Xray & Zephyr mills. We are dedicated to helping others preserve and
restore big or small country farm-style windmills at affordable prices. We also offer factory new windmills, towers and water
pumping accessories at prices well below list. Many of our web pages and all of our pictures are offered as educational
tools to assit you in your restoration efforts.
We have 37 different pages for your enjoyment. Click on any one of the page titles at
the top menu to visit. Please scroll down for additional information and pictures.